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المعرض السعودي للإضاءة والصوت 
22-20 مايو 2025 | 3 مساءً - 9 مساءً
واجهة الرياض مركز المعارض والمؤتمرات

Exhibitor Products

Saudi Entertainment & Amusement Expo Hero


LumenRadio Hall: 4 Stand: 4A100

Single Universe DMX/RDM tranciever with WiFi and Bluetooth.

Aurora is the flexible CRMX transceiver with a multitude of connectivity options, powerful enough for single universe transmissions as well as being a receiver packing the most advanced features. Capable of transmitting or receiving one universe of DMX/RDM, it is the flexible unit that can also move between universes. The enhanced radio design allows for record breaking ranges with a rock solid experience.


الرعاة SLS EXPO 2024

يفخر معرض SLS Expo بشراكته مع شركات تكامل رائدة تشتهر بتميزها التشغيلي وبراعتها الرقمية في المملكة العربية السعودية.

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